Nils Gustafsson
elite networks, political communication & social media
Nils Gustafsson is a political scientist and senior lecturer in strategic communication. Research interests include politics in relation to social media and elite networks. He teaches political communication and quantitative methods. Currently, he serves as the Head of Department.
I am a political scientist with a broad interest in communication and power. I defended my doctoral dissertation in political science "Leetocracy: political participation, social network sites and inequality" in 2013. Since 2013, I have been doing teaching and research at the Department of Strategic Communication.
Area of research
My research interests include political aspects of social media. For the past decade, I have been doing research on the implications of social media on political participation, political communication, political parties, political activism, and civil society. I am involved in a major research project studying career effects of networking among students at Nordic business schools. I have also published writings on research methods, research ethics, and constitutional politics.
Current projects
Political Polarization on the Internet: Towards an Integrated Perspective on Its Causes and Effects. This is a "theme" at the Pufendorf Institute for Advanced Studies at Lund University (2020-2021) and purports to study political polarization in a cross-disciplinary research program. The research team consists of Anamaria Dutceac Segesten and Erik J Olsson (coordinators), Michael Bossetta, Tommy Bruhn, Hanna Bäck, Nils Holmberg, Mikael Klintman, Jonas Ledendal, and Elin A. Topp Learn more about the project.
Social Information and Hybrid Power - A Strategic Platform for Political Communication at Lund University. This project is funded by the Vice-Chancellor of Lund University (2019-2024) and aims at developing a cross-disciplinary platform for education and research into political communication and journalism. The team consists of Tommy Bruhn, Asta Cepaite, Anamaria Dutceac Segesten, Elsa Hedling, Ola Isaksson, Andreas Mattsson, Howard Nothhaft, Sara Santesson, Anders Sigrell, Mikael Sundström, Marja Åkerström, and Nils Gustafsson (coordinator), all from Lund University. Learn more about the project.
- Audit Society 2.0 - Taking a new turn? Organizational use and consequences of external reporting on social media. This project is funded by Handelsbankens forskningsstiftelser (2020-2022) and studies the way that reporting about your organization on social media affect the organization internally. The research group consists of Cecilia Gullberg (PI) (Södertörn University), Noomi Weinryb (Södertörn University) and Nils Gustafsson. Learn more about the project.
- Network and net worth. This project is funded by Riksbankens Jubileumsfond (The Bank of Sweden Tercentenary Foundation) and Vetenskapsrådet (2018-2022) is a longitudinal study of women's and men's social networks in Nordic business education and their effect on career outcomes. The research group consists of Gergei Farkas of Linnaeus University, Anna Tyllström of the Institute for Future Studies, and Nils Gustafsson (PI). Learn more about the project.
I am involved in teaching within the following subject areas: political communication, theory of science, and quantitative methods. I am also a supervisor for Master’s theses. I am also the research methods coordinator at the Faculty of Social Sciences at Lund University.
Twitter: @nilsgustafsson
Visar av publikationer. Sorterade efter år och sen titel.
Does Peer Socialization Within Cohorts Foster Political Attitudes? A Longitudinal Study of Elite Business Students
Hilma Lindskog, Nils Gustafsson, Sofia-Yaryna Voytiv
(2024) Political Behavior
Artikel i tidskriftThe uses of the term polarisation in Swedish newspapers, 2010–2021
Mike Farjam, Tommy Bruhn, Nils Gustafsson, Anamaria Dutceac Segesten
(2024) Nordicom Review, 45 p.1-34
Artikel i tidskrift“Toxic, but in a good way” : H&M in Russia during the Ukraine war as seen through consumer activism on TikTok
Nils Gustafsson, Hui Zhao
Konferensbidrag: abstractStudent union membership and political identification: network effects
Sofia-Yaryna Voytiv, Nils Gustafsson, Anna Tyllström
Konferensbidrag: abstractSurvival of the Un-Fittest? A Study of Social Media-Based New Crisis Initiatives in the COVID 19 Pandemic
Noomi Weinryb, Nils Gustafsson, Anna Tyllström
KonferensbidragBecoming a business student : Negotiating identity and social contacts during the first three months of an elite business education
Anna Tyllström, Nils Gustafsson, Gergei Farkas
(2022) Institute for Futures Studies Working Paper, 2022 p.1-23
Working paperMedborgerligt engagemang på sociala medier
Nils Gustafsson, Noomi Weinryb
(2022) Engagemangets gestaltningar : Insatser i och utanför civilsamhället , p.271-306
Del av eller Kapitel i bokPolitical polarization in the news: the Swedish media discourse, 2010-2021.
Tommy Bruhn, Mike Farjam, Nils Gustafsson, Anamaria Dutceac Segesten, Elin Anna Topp
KonferensbidragSvanberg, Mikael, 2020. Partierna och demokratin under författningsdebatten 1965–1980. Göteborg: Daidalos. Anmälan av Nils Gustafsson
Nils Gustafsson
(2021) Statsvetenskaplig tidskrift, 123 p.438-445
BokrecensionRisken för ökad polarisering måste tas på allvar
Anamaria Dutceac Segesten, Erik J Olsson, Michael Bossetta, Tommy Bruhn, Hanna Bäck, et al.
(2021) Göteborgs-Posten
TidningsartikelReading and interpreting social media: Exploring positive emotional expressions in organizing
Noomi Weinryb, Nils Gustafsson, Cecilia Gullberg
(2021) Organizational Ethnography
Del av eller Kapitel i bokThe more the merrier? : Examining the relationship between emotional expressions and user engagement on Swedish nonprofits’ Facebook pages, 2014-2019
Nils Gustafsson, Nils Holmberg, Noomi Weinryb, Cecilia Gullberg, Anders Olof Larsson
KonferensbidragPolitical polarization as a media narrative: the Swedish case, 2011-2020.
Tommy Bruhn, Nils Gustafsson, Anamaria Dutceac Segesten, Elin Anna Topp
KonferensbidragThe populist allure of social media activism: Individualized charismatic authority
Nils Gustafsson, Noomi Weinryb
(2020) Organization, 27 p.431-440
Artikel i tidskriftRörelsen behöver ett ansikte – gör Bert en Greta?
Nils Gustafsson
(2020) Helsingborgs Dagblad
TidningsartikelElite and non-elite agenda-setting on Twitter: the case of #almedalen 2018
Nils Gustafsson, Jakob Svensson, Anders Olof Larsson
KonferensbidragTowards a Facebookization of civil society? : Exploring the institutionalization of positive emotional vocabulary
Nils Gustafsson, Noomi Weinryb, Cecilia Gullberg, Nils Holmberg
KonferensbidragHindman, Matthew, 2018. The Internet Trap. How the Digital Economy Builds Monopolies and Undermines Democracy. Princeton: Princeton University Press. Anmälan av Nils Gustafsson
Nils Gustafsson
(2019) Statsvetenskaplig tidskrift, 121 p.495-500
BokrecensionA social safety net? Rejection sensitivity and political opinion sharing among young people in social media
Emma Bäck, Hanna Bäck, Annika Fredén, Nils Gustafsson
(2019) New Media & Society, 21
Artikel i tidskriftNågra anmärkningar om kungens roll för Svenska Akademiens stadgar.
Nils Gustafsson
(2018) Statsvetenskaplig tidskrift, 120 p.577-589
Artikel i tidskriftFrån #metoo till #wetoo? : Kan individualiserade problem ha kollektiva lösningar?
Noomi Weinryb, Nils Gustafsson
(2018) Tidskriften Kurage, 30 p.40-40
Artikel i tidskrift"Rädsla snedvrider politisk debatt"
Annika Fredén, Nils Gustafsson, Hanna Bäck, Emma Renström
(2018) Svenska Dagbladet, Stockholm
TidningsartikelWhy do people talk politics online? Because they don’t care what you think
Hanna Bäck, Emma Renström, Annika Fredén, Nils Gustafsson
WebbpublikationSocial media and civil society organizations: Exploring the institutionalization of positive emotional vocabulary
Nils Gustafsson, Noomi Weinryb, Cecilia Gullberg
KonferensbidragUngas politiska (icke-)deltagande på sociala medier – hellre offline?
Elin Fjellman, Nils Gustafsson, Malena Rosén Sundström
(2018) Sociologisk Forskning, 55 p.293-316
Artikel i tidskriftDags för regeringen att kliva in i Svenska Akademien?
Nils Gustafsson
(2018) Svenska Dagbladet, SvD Kultur
TidningsartikelUngdomars politiska diskussion i sociala medier: hellre offline?
Nils Gustafsson, Malena Rosén Sundström, Elin Fjellman
KonferensbidragA Social Safety Net? Incentives for sharing political information online
Annika Fredén, Nils Gustafsson, Emma Bäck, Hanna Bäck
KonferensbidragThe prevalence and durability of emotional enthusiasm: connective action and charismatic authority in the 2015 European refugee crisis
Nils Gustafsson, Noomi Weinryb
KonferensbidragGreater Copenhagen och mindre Öresund?
Jesper Falkheimer, Nils Gustafsson
(2017) Slutna rum och öppna landskap, 69
Del av eller Kapitel i bokOnline lurking and offline action: young people, social media, and (non-)participation
Nils Gustafsson
KonferensbidragEric Carlsson, Bo Nilsson & Simon Lindgren: Digital politik. Sociala, medier, deltagande och engagemang. Anmälan av Nils Gustafsson
Nils Gustafsson
(2016) Statsvetenskaplig tidskrift, 118 p.290-294
BokrecensionSocial media, participation, peer pressure, and the European refugee crisis: a force awakens?
Nils Gustafsson
KonferensbidragExperiment i sociala medier: Går det att härma Facebook i labbet?
Nils Gustafsson, Emma Bäck
(2016) Digitala metoder i samhällsvetenskap och humaniora
Del av eller Kapitel i bokExperiments in social media for the average social science researcher
Nils Gustafsson, Emma Bäck
(2016) ISPP Early Career Newsletter, Fall 2016
WebbpublikationSocial Media and Parliamentary Infighting: Digital naturals in the Swedish Riksdag?
Nils Gustafsson
(2015) Strategic Communication, Social Media and Democracy , p.95-105
Del av eller Kapitel i bokMethodological challenges of experiments in social media
Emma Bäck, Nils Gustafsson, Hanna Bäck
KonferensbidragBig data, small data och etik i internetforskningen: utmaningar för samhällsvetenskapen
Nils Gustafsson
(2015) Samhällsvetenskapliga fakulteten i Lund - en vital 50-åring , p.540-547
Del av eller Kapitel i bokUngas politiska deltagande. Nya former och aktivitet genom sociala medier?
Emma Bäck, Hanna Bäck, Nils Gustafsson
RapportWhat’s So Social About Social Media? Personality and Incentives as Predictors of Political Participation
Emma Bäck, Hanna Bäck, Holly Knapton, Nils Gustafsson
KonferensbidragAre social network sites reducing inequality in political participation?
Nils Gustafsson
(2014) Reports in Strategic Communication
RapportTraditionella och virtuella fokusgrupper
Nils Gustafsson
(2014) Kvalitativa metoder i strategisk kommunikation , p.43-58
Del av eller Kapitel i bokLeetocracy : Political participation, social network sites and inequality
Nils Gustafsson
(2013) Lund Political Studies
DoktorsavhandlingThe subtle nature of Facebook politics: Swedish social network site users and political participation
Nils Gustafsson
(2012) New Media & Society, 14 p.1111-1127
Artikel i tidskriftAn Awkward Tool: Social Media as a Dispruptive Factor in Intra-Party Competition
Nils Gustafsson
KonferensbidragSociala medier och politiskt engagemang
Nils Gustafsson, Lars Höglund
(2011) Lycksalighetens ö. Fyrtioen kapitel om politik, medier och samhälle., 52 p.511-524
Del av eller Kapitel i bokUsing circumventing media to counteract authoritarian regimes.
Montathar Faraon, Samira Atashi, Mauri Kaipanen, Nils Gustafsson
KonferensbidragThe Usual Suspects? Swedish Social Media Users and Political Participation
Nils Gustafsson
KonferensbidragMainstreaming the Alternative: the Changing Media Practices of Protest Movements
Tina Askanius, Nils Gustafsson
(2010) Interface: a journal for and about social movements, 2 p.23-41
Artikel i tidskriftThis Time It’s Personal: Social Networks, Viral Politics and Identity Management
Nils Gustafsson
(2010) Emerging Practices in Cyberculture and Social Networking. , p.3-24
Del av eller Kapitel i bokLeetocracy. Networked Political Activism and the Continuation of Elitism in Competitive Democracy
Nils Gustafsson, Yana Breindl
(2010) Nexus. New Intersections in Internet Research
Del av eller Kapitel i bokNew Hopes for Democracy or a Pirated Elite? Swedish Social Media Users and Political Mobilisation.
Nils Gustafsson
KonferensbidragMainstreaming the alternative: Changing Media Strategies of Protest Movements
Nils Gustafsson, Tina Askanius
KonferensbidragThis Time It’s Personal: Social Networks, Viral Politics and Identity Management
Nils Gustafsson
(2009) The Real and the Virtual , p.35-44
Del av eller Kapitel i bokViral Politics. Political Mobilisation and Participation in Social Media
Nils Gustafsson
KonferensbidragThis Time It's Personal: Social Networks, Viral Politics and Identity Management
Nils Gustafsson
KonferensbidragIrriterat deltagande: att använda virtuella fokusgrupper för att studera politisk mobilisering i sociala nätverk.
Nils Gustafsson
KonferensbidragVirtual Mobilisation? Linking On-line and Off-line Political Participation among Swedish Facebook Users: Courtesy and Irritation
Nils Gustafsson, Mattias Wahlström
KonferensbidragPedagogisk utbildning för högskolans lärare. Slutrapport från Pilotprojektet vid Lunds universitet
Bengt Lörstad, Åsa Lindberg-Sand, Birgitta Gran, Nils Gustafsson, Ingrid Järnefelt, et al.